Detailed Information
Saint Mary’s traces its earliest beginnings to 1802 when the Reverend Edmund Burke, later Bishop Burke, taught young men at the Glebe House, on the corner of Spring Garden Road and Barrington Street. The boys? school grew first into a college and then into a university, never wavering in its commitment to education and community service. For over 200 years, Saint Mary?s University has been a hub for helping students find success in whatever interests them most. That?s because SMU, big thinkers and small class sizes combine to give you opportunities like nowhere else. The university offers numerous undergraduate, graduate, certificate & diplomas courses in various fields of study. Athletics & Recreation is committed to helping people realize their full potential in their intellectual, social and physical dimensions. SMU is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in interuniversity and intra-university competition, thereby creating pride with its alumni and student body, while generating positive recognition for the University and the local community. The Club Sports program at Saint Mary’s University is designed to provide additional opportunities for individuals interested in a specific sport to develop and improve their skills, by participating recreationally or competitively in league play on and off campus. Club Sports are voluntary, non-profit, student-led organizations. The Saint Mary?s University Community is filled with students who have extraordinary ideas on how to improve life on campus. These grants assist students to get their ideas off the ground and improve campus life for all. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Saint Mary?s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. A vibrant and culturally diverse community, Saint Mary?s lets students experience the world, all in one city block.
  • Business
  • Global Studies
  • Environmental Studies
  • Forensics
  • Social and Cultural Courses
  • Criminal Law
  • Psychology
  • Human resource Management

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Daily Life
$ 0
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