Detailed Information

Ascent College

Artificial intelligence is reshaping business, though not at the blistering pace many assume. AI is now guiding decisions on everything from crop harvests to bank loans, and once pie-in-the-sky prospects such as totally automated customer service are on the horizon. The technologies that enable AI, like development platforms and vast processing power and data storage, are advancing rapidly and becoming increasingly affordable. The time seems ripe for companies to capitalize on AI.

Ascent College understand the needs for next generation of labor force and thus offers programs focused in the emerging areas of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. The college is promoted by professionals with vast experience in Collegial studies who are passionate to ensure the success of their students.

The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML) program is designed to put students on the path to an exciting, evolving career that is predicted to grow sharply into 2025 and beyond which will impact all segments of daily life by 2025, with applications in a wide range of industries such as healthcare, transportation, insurance, transport and logistics and even customer service. The need for AI specialists exists in just about every field as companies seek to give computers the ability to think, learn and adapt.

The Network Security and Ethical Cyber Piracy (NSECP) program is designed to meet the high demand for information system security analysts and related IT security professionals across multiple sectors including consulting services, finance and health care. Students graduating from this program will enter into a specialized information and communication technology (ICT) field. They will have the capabilities to assess and evaluate security risks and threats to physical and digital infrastructure, develop and implement security contingency planning, and lead the development of policies and procedures to ensure that security risk is minimized.

  • Telecommunications 
  • Artificial Intelligence
Specific entry requirements vary depending on the subject area, level and course. You can view all courses from Ascent College to filter on courses to understand what requirements they have. IELTS is accepted at Ascent College

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$ 0
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$ 0
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