Understanding Australian Slang and Culture: Information for International Students

Understanding Australian Slang and Culture: Information for International Students

The primary language used in Australia is English language, but like in other countries there is informal ways of talking. What you will discover is that Aussies like to abbreviate words. Oh yeah, just try not to get confused with the Australian slang since most of the time the Australians will be more than willing to explain the meaning of the slang to you.

How International Student Can Integrate Themself into Australian Culture

These are ten activities that any international student can perform in order to facilitate the process of transition and acculturation into Australian culture.

1. Be Open Minded and Adopt a Friendly Attitude

It is very important to be open minded and to adopt a friendly attitude to life. It is a well known fact that Australians are friendly people. It is important to go out and actually talk to people and make new friends and interact with people in social settings.

2. Pick Up Local Language and Proverbs

Australia has its own stereotype and other phrases and jargons that at first may be quite puzzling. Make sure you identify with those customary phrases or terms used in today’s everyday discussions.

3. Respect Diversity

Australia is a best multicultural country. Diversity, multiculturalism, and pluralism are considered in the program. Get in multicultural activities, go to festivals, and other cultures to understand how to easily relate with peers.

4. Engage in Outdoor Activities

One of the warm appeals that Australians have is their close relation with nature due to the beauty of the geographical features of the country as well as the good weather. Take advantage of the fresh air by joining such practices as hiking, surfing or having a fun date with friends in parks.

5. Enjoy Australian Cuisine

Feel the local cuisine by tasting Australian diet, which consists of meat pies, seafood, Vegemite and pavlova. Tasting the local food is a very tasty method to dig down into the culture and interact with your colleagues.

6. Respect the Environment

Environmental sustainability is an important element that Australians are very devoted to. Some of the practices include the recycles, water conservation and use of public transport.

7. Understand Humour and Wit

Learn to accept that they will butt heads and joke around and do not over analyze their actions. This sort of humour can make you end up becoming friends with the locals and more closely know them.

8. Attend Cultural Events

It is a country that embraces art, and exhibits several cultural activities, festivals, and exhibitions annually. The best way of achieving a rich and good experience in Australian art, music, literature or traditions is to participate in these events.

9. Get Involved in Community Activities

Participating in community service and volunteering entails an interaction of the community members and internationals students. It is one of the best ways of serving the society while at the same time making all friends.

10. Respect Indigenous Culture

Majority of the Australians have embraced their Indigenous culture, and it is an important aspect of the country’s heritage. Show respect to indigenous culture and must be ready to listen and or learn from them.

Other than the Reef and the Opera House Australian people and the country in general are very diverse. A country that has tropical rainforest, snowy mountains, sandy deserts, exotic islands, national parks, wine countries and lots of legendary cities.


You will hear this most often when an Australians talk about places, for an example, cities or all world countries.

Aus or Straya – Australia

The Big Smoke – Sydney

The Gong – Wollongong

Brissy – Brisbane

Melbs – Melbourne

Tassie – Tasmania

Indo – Indonesia

Shortened Words

The third category of Australian slang is general and it is not very hard to notice such words being used. It was the case in most words which are just shortened. Here are some examples:

Choccy – chocolate

Boardies – board shorts

Wettie – wetsuit

Sanga or Sambo – sandwich

Brekky – breakfast

Rego – registration

Arvo – afternoon

Avo – Avocado

Maccas – McDonalds

Chrissie – Christmas

Flanno – flannel shirt

A list of Australian slang words and phrases that are quite unimaginable for anyone who has never been there. They say quite different words for a definite item or situation in comparison with people from other countries.

Some of these slang words were believed to be used just in America but can be used in the UK or any other English-speaking country.

Here’s the list:

Capsicum – bell pepper

Coriander – cilantro

Runners or Joggers – sneakers

Jumper – sweater and/or sweatshirt or hoodie

Bin – Trash Can

Chook – chicken

Cozzies or Swimmers– bathing suit

Esky – cooler

Bench – Counter

Other Australian Slang Phrases

All of these are some of the other everyday phrases and words used in Australia.

Ice block or icy pole – popsicle

Lady beetle – lady bug

Flat out – really busy

Fair – mall/shopping center

A mall is a large shopping center in America and a fair, as we know is a carnival of some sort.

In Australia, Mela is a large shopping center and strip of shops in a mall town centre.

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